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About us

SalvisVita ~ Together we save lives better.

SalvisVita is a not for profit organization registered in the United States of America by Onyinyechi Udoh (MPH) whose interest in public health services grew spontaneously after a visit to a motherless baby's home in Africa. As we know, Africa is greatly disadvantaged in having a healthy living, and good education and I believe that promoting healthy living and education will improve the life of all people and all community.

In the past, Onyinyechi has personally championed in saving people's life by sponsoring people in achieving education, paid for people's medical bills, donated clothing's to the disadvantaged.

Her passion to save lives is centered around health promotion, promoting education especially girl's education and rewarding social services of people in all communities.



SalvisVita will fight hard to raise health awareness and offer free health services as our mission is to improve and promote the quality of life for all community through quality health promotion and wellness practices.

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Striving to ensure conditions that encourage healthy practices to improve health behaviors, healthier individuals and healthier communities. Everyone deserves a better life; we call on everyone to come and be a part of SalvisVita in saving lives.